
In You I Trust

With a heart filled with gratitude, I am reminded to simply trust. Trust that God makes no mistakes. Trust that God answers prayers. Trust that the Heavenly Father knows what’s best, and trust that He will never let you fall. So many of us have experienced times in our lives where we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the vision God placed in our hearts, and minds was going to require complete trust in Him. That included drowning out the noise, and not allowing the current view of what we see, to discourage our beliefs, or blur our vision. When we are faced with opposition, and the negative voices from our friends, and family, start to emerge, we have to make a choice. We must choose to trust. Trust that this is your season, and He has given you a vision for a reason. Most of the time, we don’t even trust ourselves when stepping into the unknown. We can’t see what’s ahead of us, we just know that He said to go. We know that He has called us to step forth, to walk beside, and trust Him. Be reminded today, that whatever it is that you have been instructed to do, you have been also graced to do it. It will not be easy, and yes you may have to walk in the natural alone, but when you have been given a vision, and called to step forth, don’t look back, or to the side. Keep your eyes looking ahead, and trust Him. There are so many people attached to you, that need for you to finish the race. They need the hope, encouragement, and inspiration. They need to see you win, so that they can start to believe in themselves. You are the one that has to bring about the change. You are the one that has been called to break generational curses in your family. I encourage you to be bold, face all of the things that may frighten you. Walk in confidence, do the work that is required, and watch what the Heavenly Father will do through you.

Bible Verse Romans 8:28

Encouragement for Today. 

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